Here live all classes and interfaces from java.lang except those already introduced in the Prelude.
temporary new name until name lookup bug fixed
temporary new name until name lookup bug fixed
temporary new name until name lookup bug fixed
A java.lang.Runnable, can be created from IO or ST actions
nowarn: argument of type ST s ()
Create a java Runnable from a ST s ().
When the run method is called from java code, the ST action will be performed.
perform the ST action that is associated with this runnable.
expose memory / cpu related functions here for convenience
nowarn: System.err is not supposed to change
nowarn: System.out is not supposed to change
Returns the code point at the given index of the CharSequence. If the char value at the given index in the CharSequence is in the high-surrogate range, the following index is less than the length of the CharSequence, and the char value at the following index is in the low-surrogate range, then the supplementary code point corresponding to this surrogate pair is returned.
Otherwise, the char value at the given index is returned.
Note that the corresponding java method is from java.lang.Character, but logically fits in here better.
See also: Char.isSupplementaryCodePoint
Resembles java.lang.StringBuilder
An OS thread
Obtain the current Thread
Sleep for a number of milliseconds.
Byte is the Frege type for the primitive JVM byte
However, it is given unsigend semantics in Frege.
Use Byte only in JArrays or tightly packed records!
Otherwise you'll waste time while not saving space.
convert an Int to a Byte by chopping off the leading 24 bits.
Short is the Frege type for the primitive JVM short
However, it is given unsigend semantics in Frege.
Use Short only in JArrays or tightly packed records!
Otherwise you'll waste time while not saving space.
convert an Int to a Short by chopping off the leading 16 bits.
inherited from ArrayElement.arrayFromIndexList
inherited from ArrayElement.arrayFromIndexListST
inherited from ArrayElement.arrayFromList
inherited from ArrayElement.arrayFromListST
inherited from ArrayElement.arrayFromMaybeList
inherited from ArrayElement.arrayFromMaybeListST
inherited from ArrayElement.arrayLength
inherited from ArrayElement.elemAt
inherited from ArrayElement.getAt
inherited from ArrayElement.getElemAt
inherited from ArrayElement.itemAt
inherited from ArrayElement.listFromArray
inherited from ArrayElement.maybeListFromArray
inherited from ArrayElement.modifyAt
inherited from ArrayElement.modifyElemAt
inherited from ArrayElement.newArray
inherited from ArrayElement.setAt
inherited from ArrayElement.setElemAt
inherited from Integral.^
inherited from Integral.div
inherited from Integral.divMod
inherited from Integral.fromIntegral
inherited from Integral.gcd
inherited from Integral.gcdHelper
inherited from Integral.lcm
inherited from Integral.mod
inherited from Integral.powf
inherited from Integral.powg
inherited from Integral.quotRem
inherited from Integral.^
inherited from Integral.div
inherited from Integral.divMod
inherited from Integral.fromIntegral
inherited from Integral.gcd
inherited from Integral.gcdHelper
inherited from Integral.lcm
inherited from Integral.mod
inherited from Integral.powf
inherited from Integral.powg
inherited from Integral.quotRem
A no-op, since Bytes are unsigned
inherited from Num.isInfinite
inherited from Num.isNaN
inherited from Num.isNumber
inherited from Num.negate
Never -1, since Bytes are unsigned
inherited from Num.subtract
A no-op, since Shorts are unsigned
inherited from Num.isInfinite
inherited from Num.isNaN
inherited from Num.isNumber
inherited from Num.negate
Never -1, since Shorts are unsigned
inherited from Num.subtract
The Ord instance for Bytes assumes that bytes are unsigned.
byte (-1) > byte 1
inherited from
inherited from Ord.max
inherited from Ord.min
The Ord instance for Bytes assumes that bytes are unsigned.
byte (-1) > byte 1
inherited from
inherited from Ord.max
inherited from Ord.min
inherited from ArrayElement.arrayFromIndexList
inherited from ArrayElement.arrayFromIndexListST
inherited from ArrayElement.arrayFromList
inherited from ArrayElement.arrayFromListST
inherited from ArrayElement.arrayFromMaybeList
inherited from ArrayElement.arrayFromMaybeListST
inherited from ArrayElement.arrayLength
inherited from ArrayElement.elemAt
inherited from PrimitiveArrayElement.getAt
inherited from ArrayElement.getElemAt
inherited from PrimitiveArrayElement.itemAt
inherited from ArrayElement.listFromArray
inherited from ArrayElement.maybeListFromArray
inherited from ArrayElement.modifyAt
inherited from ArrayElement.modifyElemAt
inherited from ArrayElement.newArray
inherited from PrimitiveArrayElement.setAt
inherited from ArrayElement.setElemAt
inherited from ArrayElement.arrayFromIndexList
inherited from ArrayElement.arrayFromIndexListST
inherited from ArrayElement.arrayFromList
inherited from ArrayElement.arrayFromListST
inherited from ArrayElement.arrayFromMaybeList
inherited from ArrayElement.arrayFromMaybeListST
inherited from ArrayElement.arrayLength
inherited from ArrayElement.elemAt
inherited from PrimitiveArrayElement.getAt
inherited from ArrayElement.getElemAt
inherited from PrimitiveArrayElement.itemAt
inherited from ArrayElement.listFromArray
inherited from ArrayElement.maybeListFromArray
inherited from ArrayElement.modifyAt
inherited from ArrayElement.modifyElemAt
inherited from ArrayElement.newArray
inherited from PrimitiveArrayElement.setAt
inherited from ArrayElement.setElemAt
inherited from Serializable.copySerializable
inherited from Serializable.freeze
inherited from Serializable.thaw
Integral_Byte.rem, Integral_Byte.quot, Integral_Byte.lcm, Integral_Byte.mod, Integral_Byte.gcd, Integral_Byte.div, Integral_Byte.gcdHelper, Num_Byte.subtract, Num_Byte.-, Num_Byte.*, Num_Byte.+, Ord_Byte.min, Ord_Byte.max
Eq_Byte.!=, Eq_Byte.==, Ord_Byte.>, Ord_Byte.<, Ord_Byte.<=, Ord_Byte.>=
Enum_Byte.succ, Enum_Byte.pred, Num_Byte.abs, Num_Byte.negate
Integral_Byte.odd, Integral_Byte.even, Num_Byte.isNumber, Num_Byte.isInfinite, Num_Byte.isNaN
Enum_Byte.ord, Eq_Byte.hashCode, Num_Byte.sign, Byte.unsigned, Byte.signed
Integral_Short.rem, Integral_Short.quot, Integral_Short.lcm, Integral_Short.mod, Integral_Short.gcd, Integral_Short.div, Integral_Short.gcdHelper, Num_Short.subtract, Num_Short.-, Num_Short.*, Num_Short.+, Ord_Short.min, Ord_Short.max
Eq_Short.!=, Eq_Short.==, Ord_Short.>, Ord_Short.<, Ord_Short.<=, Ord_Short.>=
Enum_Short.succ, Enum_Short.pred, Num_Short.abs, Num_Short.negate
Integral_Short.odd, Integral_Short.even, Num_Short.isNumber, Num_Short.isInfinite, Num_Short.isNaN
Enum_Short.ord, Eq_Short.hashCode, Num_Short.sign, Short.unsigned, Short.signed
Serializable_StringBuffer.thaw, Serializable_StringBuffer.copySerializable, Serializable_StringBuffer.freeze
System.totalMemory, System.nanoTime, System.maxMemory, System.freeMemory, System.currentTimeMillis
Bounded_Byte.minBound, Bounded_Byte.maxBound,,
Bounded_Short.minBound, Bounded_Short.maxBound,,
PrimitiveArrayElement_Byte.modifyElemAt, PrimitiveArrayElement_Byte.modifyAt
PrimitiveArrayElement_Short.modifyElemAt, PrimitiveArrayElement_Short.modifyAt
ArrayElement_Object.modifyElemAt, ArrayElement_Object.modifyAt
StringBuffer.offsetByCodePoints, StringBuffer.codePointCount
StringBuffer.deleteCharAt, StringBuffer.append𝖊, StringBuffer.appendCodePoint
Appendable.append,, StringBuffer.substring,, StringBuffer.lastIndexOf, StringBuffer.insert, StringBuffer.indexOf, StringBuffer.append